Monday, August 4, 2008

STOP Stroke Act Stopped in the Senate

On July 28, the Senate voted to consider a package of 35 bills, called the Advancing America’s Priorities Act, which contained the Stroke Treatment and Ongoing Prevention (STOP Stroke) Act. Unfortunately, the package did not get the 60 votes needed to move forward, slowing the progress You’re the Cure advocates worked so hard to achieve with STOP Stroke.
Although the outcome was not what we had hoped for, You’re the Cure advocates were clearly heard on Capitol Hill! In just a few short days, you helped generate nearly 7,000 emails, contacting all 100 members of the Senate. We also placed phone calls and sent faxes to targeted members, and the AHA was proudly represented by Virginia stroke survivor and You’re the Cure advocate Paul Berger at a press conference just days before the vote. In addition, STOP Stroke was mentioned numerous times on the Senate floor throughout the debate.
We may be down, but we are not out, and the count continues until Congress adjourns for the year. Now, more than ever, we need your help to keep the pressure on the Senate. It is very important that you tell your Senators that this bill must move forward before the session ends.
Send a message to your Senators today to let them know that their You’re the Cure constituents are following their actions and will stand up for the nearly six million stroke patients and their families in this country.