Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Help fund AEDs in Schools!

We worked hard last year to pass a bill that would put an AED in every school in the state. Recently numerous students have been saved by an AED while at school showing how important these devices truly are. But not enough funding has been provided so not every school has one.

Help us change that by telling your lawmaker to fund AEDs in schools!

Last year you helped us pass a bill that required an AED on every school campus in the state. An AED is the lifesaving device that can shock a heart back to life after experiencing a sudden cardiac event.

Unfortunately there are still some schools that don't have an AED on site. Within the last month numerous students have collapsed with heart issues only to be revived with the help of an AED. We can't allow a tragedy to occur at a school simply because there wasn't an AED near by.

In Governor Beebe's address to the General Assembly he said funding AEDs should be a top priority. Please tell your lawmakers that funding this program should be a top priority for them as well. Click here to send your message today.

Your message will also thank Governor Beebe for staying committed to this issue