Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Take Action!

BIG NEWS: This afternoon, health reform cleared another crucial hurdle in the Senate, with the Finance Committee passing its legislation. This brings us that much closer to making health care reform a reality this year.

But we must continue to raise our voices to ensure the legislation that is passed will result in meaningful reform for heart disease and stroke patients. That means fixing what is broken in our current system, while building on what works well.

These next few weeks will be critical to make an impact, and we need your voice.

If you haven't told your lawmakers how you feel about health care reform, right now is the time. Click here >>>

For nearly 100 years, Washington leaders have floated ideas to fix the health care system, but they've never been as close to comprehensive reform as they are today.

We have our best opportunity in nearly a century to finally relieve the burden on patients and their families struggling under our broken health care system. They are counting on reform that makes health insurance accessible, affordable, and adequate THIS year. Can we count on you to help?

Please email your lawmakers on Capitol Hill TODAY>>>
(It only takes 30 seconds)

The fight for meaningful reform belongs to all of us. And we won't win without you. As the American Heart Association calls on you to act over the next several weeks, we urge you to stand with the 80 million Americans currently living with cardiovascular disease and those at risk.

Thank you in advance for standing with us.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My Supermodels Unlimited Magazine cover and article